©2024 Edo State Government

Policies and Regulations

Policies and Regulations

 – Access to the Edo State Local Government Law.
– Policies and regulations governing the local government service.
– Code of conduct and ethics for Edo local government staff:

• Staff members shall act with integrity and honesty in all their dealings, both within and outside the workplace.
• They shall not engage in any form of corruption, bribery, or fraudulent activities.

 • Staff members shall demonstrate professionalism in the performance of their duties, treating colleagues, superiors, and the public with respect and courtesy.
• They shall maintain a high standard of competence and strive for continuous improvement in their skills and knowledge.

• Staff members shall be accountable for their actions and decisions, taking responsibility for any mistakes or errors.
• They shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and policies governing their conduct.

 • Staff members shall maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of their duties, disclosing it only to authorized persons and for legitimate purposes.
• They shall not disclose confidential information to unauthorized individuals or use it for personal gain.

 • Staff members shall avoid conflicts of interest and shall not use their position for personal gain or to benefit family members or associates.
• They shall declare any potential conflicts of interest and seek guidance on how to manage them appropriately.

• Staff members shall respect the diversity of colleagues, clients, and the public, treating everyone fairly and without discrimination.
• They shall promote a culture of inclusivity and diversity within the workplace.

 • Staff members shall use the resources of the local government judiciously, ensuring that they are used for their intended purposes and in the best interest of the public.
• They shall not misuse or misappropriate resources for personal gain.

 • Staff members shall promote environmental sustainability and take actions to minimize the environmental impact of their work activities.
• They shall comply with all environmental laws and regulations applicable to their work.

 • Staff members who become aware of any violations of this code of conduct and ethics shall report them to the appropriate authorities for investigation and action.
• They shall not condone or cover up any violations, regardless of the identity of the individual involved.

 • Staff members shall familiarize themselves with this code of conduct and ethics and comply with its provisions at all times.
• Failure to comply with this code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Adoption and Implementation

This code of conduct and ethics shall be adopted by the Edo State Local Government Service Commission and implemented throughout the local government service. Staff members are expected to adhere to this code in all aspects of their work and conduct.